Become a Humanitarian Volunteer with ADRA!

Have you ever considered volunteering experience abroad? Are you tempted to leave the European Union and contribute with your skills and knowledge to humanitarian support to those in need? Are you interested in understanding a new culture while gaining new friends and experience?

Thanks to the financial support from the European Solidarity Corps, you can take part in several volunteering projects under ADRA Slovakia and our partner ADRA Czechia.

Between 2024 and 2026, we will deploy 24 volunteers to Serbia, Uganda, and Zambia. 

Open Vacancies

SERBIA | Communication & PR Officer

This is a 8-month deployment with flexible start date.

SERBIA | Social Program Assistant

This is a 8-month deployment with flexible start date.

Fully Funded Humanitarian Volunteering Opportunity!

The Humanitarian Volunteering for Solidarity Activities project covers all expenses, including insurance, accommodation at the project site, travel-related expenses, and pocket money. Additionally, each volunteer is provided with a mentor from the sending country (ADRA Czechia or ADRA Slovakia) throughout their stay, as well as within the hosting organization.

This is an exceptional chance to gain valuable experience. Get inspired by volunteer stories and join us today!

Who Can Join Us?

Are you between 18 and 35 years old, residing in one of the EU member states or in Turkey, North Macedonia, Liechtenstein, or Iceland? Haven’t participated in any humanitarian volunteering within this program yet? This is your chance! 

Young individuals interested in humanitarian volunteering must register on the European Youth Portal and undergo both online and face-to-face training organized by the European Commission. Take action and make a difference today!

Inclusion and reducing inequalities is a key element of the project, not only in the topics that volunteers can cover but also in the selection of the volunteers themselves.

Throughout the project, we have set aside 11 positions for candidates who do not have the same opportunities as others, whether they are candidates from remote rural areas or hard-to-reach economic conditions, representatives of linguistic and other minorities, or people with physical disabilities, for example. Support for these people is described in more detail here.

How to Apply?

To be eligible to apply, young people between 18 and 35 years old have to follow this procedure:

First, they need to express their interest in humanitarian aid volunteering when they register on the European Solidarity Corps portal.

To express interest in humanitarian aid volunteering, candidates should follow these steps:

– go to ‘My profile’ 
– go to ‘Humanitarian Aid volunteering projects’ 
– select ‘I want to be considered for Humanitarian Aid volunteering projects’  
– fill in all other relevant information
– save the information

To apply for vacancies under the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps, young people need to complete a compulsory online training. It consists of online modules on the EU Academy platform and, for those who pass the test at the end of the online training, of a 5-day face-to-face training in groups of around 25 candidates.

Once candidates have registered on the portal and indicated their interest, the online training courses on EU Academy are accessible via the ‘Online training’ tab in their European Solidarity Corps account. Candidates should select the option ‘Humanitarian aid training’. On the EU Academy platform, they’ll first be invited to make a self-assessment. If they decide to continue the process, they’ll start the compulsory online training for Humanitarian Aid Volunteering. The online training ends with an online test. After successfully completing the online test and indicating their availability for the face-to-face training via the ‘scheduling solution’, the service provider responsible for delivering the training will contact the candidates within 1 to 2 months to inform them of their available slots for the face-to-face training.

The face-to-face training is organised in 3 slots per year: in February – March, May – June and September – October. The provisional sessions calendar is published on EU Academy under the item ‘Online training for candidates of the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps’. 

Both online and face-to-face trainings are completely free of charge.

All costs related to attending the face-to-face training (travel, accommodation, food, etc.) will be covered by the grant.

Due to a very high interest in the humanitarian aid face-to-face training, the scheduling solution for applying for the face-to-face training needs to be closed from time to time. To know the time periods when registration is open, please check the information on EU Academy.

/!\ As the number of interested candidates is much higher than the number of humanitarian aid volunteering opportunities offered by projects, there is no guarantee that you will be selected by one of the humanitarian aid volunteering projects after having completed the training. 

Contact us

Not sure if this is the right opportunity for you or have more questions? No worries, that is absolutely fine! We understand how important it is to choose the right project and deployment. We are here for you. Send a message with your question and we will get back to you!


The Humanitarian Volunteering for Solidarity Activities project (no. 101140258) runs from February 1, 2024, to January 31, 2027, and is co-funded by the European Union.